Thursday, July 10, 2008

finito and salad

The ugly before:

The awesome after:

and yes, that is the very same corner of the room!

What a great surprise. The husband was totally shocked! He just stood in awe and looked around the room speechless! Birdie and I were very tired, but very happy with the results. She seems to think the beautiful new bed was hers! Well deserved on his part and my favorite thing is a spot for ALL of our clothing and my new silk drapes. Found a great fabric that's both liner and bump in one and it was terrific to work with. The room is a soft putty color with an ocean grey ceiling. It's soft and soothing and quiet feeling. We LOVE it!

Sad the project is over, but off to additional fun things - a new dress for Birdie and some cute new bags for me...
And a yummy salad recipe - sort of a combination of yumminess(is that even a word? but I KNOW you know what I mean!). A great combo of salty/sweet.
Delish Salad

Baby spinach leaves,washed
feta broken up (not crumbles, too little)
diced watermelon
sliced red grapes
grilled chicken breast
a citrus vinaigrette (either make your own or I love Newman's Lime Vinaigrette)

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