Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I must confess an obsession. Laminated cotton. For reals.
Notice something else? Sis Boom. Laminated cotton. I just wanted to type it again. It's fun. I might also be obsessed with that too. Don't tell Jen. We wouldn't want to worry her :0)
Sharp sewing machine needle
Walking foot for the machine
pins in the seam line
have fun!
I had the privilege of working with some of Jennifer's new laminated cotton and I'm sure you can't tell, I am SOOOO excited! about it. I love this print and it was perfection to work with. I've heard some people don't like to work with this new-fangled fabric, but with the right tools, it's super easy. This print was so cute and girly! Thanks Jen for the honor of playing with it!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

That is just so stinkin cute! I hear ya on the fabric obsession over Jen's fabric...I am afflicted myself!!!!