Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Little Leap Peepers

In light of the recent economic downturn, we had to wallow in the leaves this weekend - how much fun!
Ok, I HAVE to rant. People - you should know who you are - STOP, repeat, STOP sending me helpful emails regarding safegarding my child against the evils of the world. Please verify all outgoing mail through snopes.com. I don't need to be notified about candy flavored drugs being passed out in schools. It's not real, it might have happened somewhere once, 10 years ago, but really, people caught on. STOP. If it was real, CNN or Nancy Grace would be all over it. Really. Do other people hate stupid forwarded emails too??

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

summer leaves us...

Summer is gone, but one last look before we head into the coziness of fall.
How flippin' cute is this birdie in her dress I did out of Jennifer Paganelli's fabric? Got this at the last show - her next one is in December. Get ready - the shows are great!


I have a bunch of sewing projects going on - camo curtains for my brother in law's cabin, pillows for the reading carpet at school, misc. crap. Hoping to work hard and this will in turn lower the level of "stuff" in my work room.

Ah, I also went to the dentist for a filling so large the dr. was shocked I didn't feel it. Can I get a cheer for high pain tolerance?? Instead of a filling, I am a big winner on a root canal!! Argh. Add to that a dash of a bladder infection?

and Yes, I just called to get info on a much needed Yoga class. My quest to take care of myself is taking some weird turns.
Hope YOU are doing better than me!