Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Raining pink and cute

Seriously dying over how super cute this raincoat came out. Still mildly obsessed with the laminated cotton. The girl totally needed the raincoat today with very heavy downpours coming down at bus time! Good timing Mom!
Made the pattern myself and only have 1 change I'd like to make - love the foldover sleeve action, but they are about 1 inch too long - just too bulky - so that's fixed on my pattern and we are ready for another!
The outside is from Amy Butler's Love collection and the lining is super awesome Jennifer Paganelli's line - Matt's Tux. love the color coordinating action between the two.
The was probably completed in a couple hours - it was super simple, lined, a bit of elastic in the hood and a zipper. A bit of topstitching and wa-la. Love it! So does the girl.


Cathy said...

Hi!!! I am coming over from the link from Jenn's blog!!! I LOVE the raincoat..had to come see pics of it. I wonder if you could use Jen's laminates??? It came out great!!! Your daughter is adorable!!

ralph and martha said...

Jen's laminates aren't quiiiite out yet, but keep a watchful eye! he he he. It is lined with Sis Boom. Thanks for your kind comments. Thank goodness she has the coat now, it's rained at least 5 times since I made it.

Shannon said...

adorable! LOVE it!