Sunday, August 3, 2008

thanks fellow bloggers...

So fun are the connections we make in the blog world! Inspiration, support, ideas, friendship, justification for our wild behaviors!! Always at the ready to help rationalize a crazy fabric purchase or talk us down from a bad day. Today, I read a post from Tara about her so cute Gap dress. Guess what I had to do? Yup, get in the car and go to my local Gap store - I posted on her site just now that she was lucky they had my size - just a few left! I might have had to go swipe hers! SO cute and I can't wait to wear it. Anyone else have a cool story how they were inspired by a fellow blogger?

ok, also currently obsessed with Schuyler Fisk, daughter of Sissy Spacek - amazing voice. You can hear her at her here: . She doesn't have a CD out yet, but should. Her voice is that haunting
/folk sound that just stays with you. The guinea pig likes it too!

1 comment:

pve design said...

hi there! just popping over to say hello and thanks again for my bag! love it!