Sunday, August 10, 2008

I know. 2 posts in one day.

HAD to share this one - I am with a really terrific women's volunteer organization. I know - insert eye roll and yawn here. But NOT with this group!! The amount of work that gets done with a bottle of wine in hand is astounding. I have made life long friends and mentors in this group. Anyway, the story... Ask and you shall receive. Putting together school back packs for neglected and abused kids. 2 quick emails in the middle of the summer and wa - la - you have NINE!!! Filled to the brim back packs AND a box of random supplies that will be totally well used. I love being a part of this. Even better is both my husband and 7 year old helped pack the bags up - took a couple hours to sort and eat taffy whilst doing this. Bonding. Good deed. Love.


preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

that's awesome, we have done the backpack thing before.

you know, we really don't know how good we have until we see how the other half lives.

i am glad to hear you donated those backpacks full of supplies to those would go without otherwise!

...don't worry, i'm not yawning - i love to volunteer!!!

Jennifer Paganelli said...

Such a wonderful thing you've done here are a gift..Jennifer