Sunday, March 28, 2010

great day

I am sitting here listening to the rain and reflecting on my wonderful day. Great morning at church for Palm Sunday. then off to visit Make and Mingle and create a couple of quilt squares for a wonderful cause. I know some fantastic ladies - Jen Paganelli, Nancy Geaney, Karen and Natalie (Make and Mingle Mistresses) their sister Linda and a few new friends I just met :-) The quilt squares will be quilted together and sent to Haiti. Awesome.
My little person made a quilt square on her own with just a bit of help on her Hello Kitty sewing machine. LOVE spending this meaningful time with her - I find that I can spend more time focusing on her outside of the house doing projects like this. We need to do more of this. When we are home, I am so distracted with lots of other stuff. Birdie had a seriously fun and rewarding day. She was very proud of herself and I was proud of her! Satisfied and content.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

candy bags

These things are so cute I wanna call them "candy bags"!
I just finished making a cute pattern for these little guys. It's amazing how much the old geometry classes come in handy when making the paper pattern up. I started with last weeks' ad for Target, then switched over to white paper. Ok, it was actually white on the back, the front was a coloring page with a Disney Fairy on it. lol. Can't wait to make up more of these babies. The above are oil cloth on the outside, cotton in the inside. Think I'll make a few with oil cloth on the inside for cosmetics and such.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


no, not veggies. cupcakes. The best kind of health food for 3rd graders! he he he

Monday, March 1, 2010

Back with fun projects

wahoo - I'm back! Blogger locked me up for awhile and, ahem, I didn't notice for a bit. Then I did and they were sloooooow too respond. In any event - back we are and here are some fun creations I did while I was away.

The Sophia bag by Amy Butler - made with Kokka fabr
ics. Got both and am teaching the class at this hip new s
ewing shop nearby. LOVE! Only complaint, way too much interfacing needed.
This bag needed 4 yards. craziness.
Even got Birdie in on the sewing fun - she made a pillowfor a birthday party gift for a neighbor turning 2. She did ALL of it herself but the setting up and about 1" of slipstitching. She said to me later "thanks for stitching with me, I really liked it Mom!" a mom couldn't feel any more pride and love when you share what you love with another so close to your heart.
I want to eat her sometimes:-)