Friday, September 26, 2008



There is no before pic, it was just too hideous.

Birdie is home with a tummy bug today and I am just cleaning up the digs. Remember the "take care of me" plan. Yeah, on hold now. Damaged my hip running last week. Still bothering me. Now my Mom is calling me telling me that I am old now and need to go to see the Orthopaedic surgeon. Really? She's had 2 knee replacements. My plan was to get healthy so I don't go that route. So no, I'm not going that route - I'm aiming higher. Hip replacement. Nice one. Now, I am trying to nurse it back to normal with rest (@#@!) and the heating pad. Maybe we'll Yoga next week...

I leave you with pics of an awful 1980's country style coffee table. I duded it up with shiny black paint and neon for the Youth Center area at our church. I loved it so much, I am going to make one for us. Brown, not neon. Could you imagine!?!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday morning...

I get up with all determination to get the mini on the bus and head to the gym. Alas, not to happen. The mini is in the paper today for donating her hair! How cute?? so I field phone calls, scan the article, share with the husband, email the family. The gym, but a dream. But oh, my treadmill! I am SO proud - not only did I get on and stay on, I ran!! Don't know how long because the batteries died in the unit that tracks that. Why isn't this connected to the electricity that runs the whole machine? So confused. Either way, sweat ensued. Now I am headed to the dermatologist for a yearly body check. whoops, after a shower. Pale girl, freckles, blue yes - yes, the dermatologist is my friend.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I did it.

Gym - 2 days - check
face washing - check
fresh decaf coffee in hand - check
lunch date with friends - check
start painting table for church - check
call MIL - check
yell at husband for snoring again - check

I am starting to get back on track. sort of. I'm a tired girl from the snoring.

Just made this dough for cookies tomorrow for football game tailgate. Throw all other recipes out - this is THE one to use. http://

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the lack of posts

I found another 4 leaf clover. 2 last year, one last month.
What's that about? someone trying to tell me something?

Life gets in the way of life. I have no excuse, no reasons in particular or every reason in the world. I stopped posting. I am going to give it another go. I went from virus to poison ivy to sick child to school starting to overwhelming freelance gigs to over volunteering. I am just one girl that needs to take care of herself. There, I said it. Isn't it weird, when you say things out loud they become more real? I need to take a step or 3 back and go to the gym, scrub my face with something more than a damp wash cloth, paint my nails. I am going to pull myself together. watch me.